Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jaeger "bombed" with MoMA

Doug Jaeger, founder of happycorp, admitted last Tuesday to helping well-known vandal/artist Poster Boy vandalize a display sponsored by the Museum of Modern Art. The catch? Jaeger's company, happy corp, is the firm responsible for the ad campaign in the first place.

The display featured replicas of well-known modern art that is within the MoMA's constant collection. These large replicas adorned the Brooklyn subway and had only been up for two weeks when Poster Boy did his "ad remix." The posters were cut and re-arranged; creations included giving Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe a nose-job and sending a plane into Monet's lily pad. 

Needless to say, once the story got out, MoMA ended its ties with happycorp. With the added twist that Jaeger is also currently the president of the Art Director Club, this whole situation really resembles a poorly written soap.

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